EFT INTERNATIONAL Training in Canada

I’ve returned to in-person sessions in my office and am happy to wear a mask if requested. I continue to work via videoconference. Please be sure to make your choice when making a session booking.


Are anxious feelings getting the better of you, despite your best efforts to calm down?

Are you unsettled and unsatisfied with your life but mystified about what to do?

Do you suspect your emotional health is affecting your physical health?

Despite your best efforts do you still get angry every time you visit family?

Have you been taught to strive for change but find yourself putting things off?


Learn with Susan

Training & Accreditation


Improve Your Life
Let Susan Help You!


For common problems
Listen to Susan

Do you realize, that by shifting your subtle energies you can transform how you feel? I’m one of Canada’s top EFT experts and I’ll show you how

Here’s how I can help

I’ll teach you how to administer EFT (Tapping) for yourself and others in one of my training workshops

We can do one-on-one sessions using EFT, ZPoint Process and other Energy Psychology and Energy Medicine Techniques.

You can join my very affordable Membership Community for monthly live online group Tapping Sessions

I offer free resources like pre-recorded videos and audios in my free membership option

You could purchase  pre-recorded themed audios in the Shop to get a feel for how I work

Energy Therapies are innovative techniques designed to transform negative emotions, limiting beliefs and physical concerns

These techniques are based on ancient knowledge, current top tier research and the link between the Human Energy Field and the Central Nervous System

I can show  you how using them helps make life easier,  less stressed and can dissolve the sting of your past

I’ve been working in private practice since 2003 with thousands of clients. I specialize in working with anxious feelings, poor self esteem and a lack of self love. I’m well studied, practiced and passionate about working with trauma especially childhood trauma.  I don’t shy away from the big stuff.  I also enjoy working on sadness, fear of change and feeling stuck in life.

I help motivated clients, willing to invest in themselves, regain lost balance in their lives no matter what they’ve been through

I can come to your location to offer EFT International Training and Customized Workshops for your group or organization. I also specialize in facilitating EFT training for Mental Health organizations who are feeling the burnout inherent in working hard for others.

Energy Psychology and Energy Medicine Techniques have become a global phenomenon helping millions worldwide. Scientifically verified in top-tier, peer-reviewed journals like the American Psychological Society’s Flagship Journal, General Psychology they are gentle yet powerful tools that create profound personal change safely without having to relive the pain of the past.

When you change your energy, you change your life!

“Many psychological problems can be treated without the need to pass through laborious stages of discovery, emoting, and cognitive re-structuring which are frequently considered to be the hallmarks of true psychotherapy.”

Fred Gallo, Ph.D.,
Energy Psychology

See Selection of Audio Recordings on the SHOP page: