How Can Energy Psychology Help?

Have you ever had a strong yet inexplicable negative emotional reaction that seems out of proportion to a situation or event in your life? This phenomenon is common and happens because you have experienced a similar situation earlier in life where it was very challenging for you perhaps even traumatic. The present situation reminds you of the more potent earlier one whether you consciously remember it or not. Your overreaction (both physical and emotional) is based on both the current and past situation. Your nervious system and your body remembers everything.

Energy Techniques work to bring emotional and physical symptoms as well as belief systems you are left with back into balance. Disrupted, scrambled or stagnant energy in the body from the time of the trauma, injury, illness or shock is rebalanced bringing both the nervous system and the conscious mind back to rest and calm.

More specifically, when we experience an unfortunate event, our nervous system, our “wiring” so to speak, becomes overwhelmed. We then repress or freeze the painful memory in our subconscious as well as download the charge of that event into our physical body. A way of coping in a moment of shock or upset later may become body tension or unexplained powerful feelings. Over time the effect can accumulate to create emotional and physical challenges such as panic, bouts of sadness or unexplained digestive issues.

Even everyday events can affect our energies—watching the news, receiving a dirty look, talking with a troubled friend, getting cut off on the highway, or physical traumas such as a car accident, serious fall or even surgery. We can also pick up negative beliefs from those around us, especially in our first seven years of life. As very young children, we believe everything we are told, even if it is not the truth or is quite negative. Our first family may not have shared with us the most positive life perspective.

The good news is that the tension, limiting beliefs and feelings are a temporary disruption if addressed adequately. Negative feelings can be extremely powerful. We can spend a lifetime running from them or we can calm and unscramble our energy and hence our nervous system. This is done safely without re-traumatization with techniques such as ZPoint Process, Inner RePatterning and EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques).

Once the energetic disruption is removed, the charge attached to the feeling is usually gone. Although the event is often still remembered, these techniques properly and thoroughly administered can bring complete relief that stays over time even with complex challenges often resistant to other types of assistance.

A paper that reviews the most significant studies in Energy Psychology up to October 2010 was published in the journal Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training (a journal of the American Psychological Association): Rapid Treatment of PTSD: Why Psychological Exposure with Acupoint Tapping May Be Effective.

“These methods do not rely on insight and understanding, but on shifting internal states of bodily experience. (They) can bring about remarkably rapid changes in the way people feel and move through the world.”

Bessel A. van der Kolk, M.D.
Medical Director, the Trauma Center, Boston,
MA Professor of Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine

Research Overview as of January 2019

There have been over fifty peer-reviewed studies conducted in Energy Psychology (EP) in dozens of countries by independent research teams. Forty eight of these studies are Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs), 100% of which found statistically significant results in favor of EP. These include an RCT with fifty survivors of the Rwandan Genocide showing dramatic reduction in PTSD (published in the International Journal of Emergency Mental Health), and an RCT showing EFT to considerably lower cortisol-related stress levels and self-reported psychological symptoms after a single treatment session. This study is published in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. There have also been 40 outcome studies and 5 meta-analyses, 5 systemic reviews and thousands of case histories. 98 % of the RTCs and outcome studes show positive effects. Meta-analyses have found particularly strong effects for EFT (Cohen’s d) with depression (1.13) , anxiety 1.23, PTSD 2.96. Blood pressure, heart rate variability, cortisol, pulse and EEG all showing positive outcomes. 72 genes were modified an hour after treatment, 6 genes 10 hours after treatment. For more research details, go to